Thursday, 25 November 2010

Public consultation: Dublin city speed limit

Proposed Speed Limit Bye-Laws
Dublin City Council is reviewing the Dublin City Speed Limit Bye-Laws 2010, which were made pursuant to the provisions of Section 9 of the Road Traffic Act 2004. It is proposed to make new Bye-Laws in respect of speed limits on certain roads within the area comprising Dublin City.
The changes involve recinding the 30km/hr speed limit on Inns Quay, Upper Ormond Quay, Winetavern Street, Merchant’s Quay, Wood Quay and part of Essex Quay and reverting to a 50km/hr speed limit on these streets. Please click here to see a map of the relevant area
Draft Bye-Laws may be inspected during normal office hours, during the period 23rd November 2010 to 23rd December 2010 inclusive, at Dublin City Council, Roads and Traffic Department,  Block 2, Floor 6, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.
Copies of the proposed Bye-Laws are available free of charge at the above office, tel. 222 2251 or can be viewed by clicking here.
Dublin City Council will consider any submissions made in relation to the proposed Bye-Laws. Such submissions must be made in writing to the Executive Manager, Roads and Traffic Department at the above address and received before 16.30 hours on the 23rd December 2010.

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